The OPTIBAR DSP 2000 is a membrane diaphragm seal for mounting to the OPTIBAR PM 5060 and OPTIBAR PM 3050 pressure transmitters. It features a versatile
The OPTIBAR PM 3050 is a compact pressure transmitter with metallic diaphragm for general pressure and level applications. The excellent performance combined
The turbidity standard solution provides a 100 NTU copolymer standard for reliable and cost-effective calibration of the OPTISENS TUR 2000 turbidity sensor. The
The calibration kit provides 0.02 / 10 / 100 NTU/FNU or 0.02 / 10 / 1000 NTU/FNU copolymer standards for reliable and cost-effective calibration of the
The sodium sulphite standard solution is suitable for calibration of KROHNE OPTISENS ADO 2000 and OPTISENS ODO 2000 dissolved oxygen sensors. It is available